Catalyst Films : First Nations Community Healthsource

The purpose of these films is to spark conversations and establish guide points to guide discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that is grounded in clinician and healthcare workers’ experiences. These films were created using footage from interviews of people who agreed to share their stories of working in the First Nations Community Healthsource clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catalyst Films are a method derived from health experiences research that investigates how people experience health, illness, treatment, and the delivery of care. Films are designed to jumpstart an improvement process focused on what matters to multiple stakeholders.  Using catalyst films in a participatory process ensures that dialogues about transformation are grounded in direct experiences. For these films, individual interviews are conducted with a rigorous qualitative research process that elicits diverse health experiences.

A robust, iterative feedback process occurs with multiple advisors to ensure that clips selected for the final film create balance and representation in the range and commonality of experiences. Resilience in the face of long-standing mistrust and inadequate equity of vaccine access will be key to healing and enhancing vaccine uptake among community members as digital stories and catalyst films are disseminated for dialogue among the Consortium and Community Of Partners Network.  

Catalyst Film (Full)

This is the First Nations Community Healthsource catalyst film in its entirety. The interview clips that were selected to make this film represent common patterns seen in the experiences of healthcare workers working in the clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic. While participant voices and personal experiences differ, they share the belief that telling their clinic story matters. We have also split the film into sections focusing on different topics discussed in the interviews. You can view them individually below.

Part 1: Emotional & Physical Toll Of The Pandemic

“I don’t want to die,” says a Behavioral Health Clinician at the First Nations Community Healthsource. Hear what those who were on the frontlines during the onset of COVID-19 have to say about those early days back in the Spring of 2020.

Part 2: Adapting To The Pandemic & Facilitating Vaccine Access For The Community

This section focuses on how the clinic first adapted to the pandemic and the way this clinic was able to provide the community access to the vaccine. Healthcare workers provide insights into how the vaccine was given to the community for a point of view that might not be known to the general public. The strategies they used may be relevant when considering equitable healthcare access in the future and ways to increase emergency response readiness.

Part 3: Listening To Vaccine Concerns & Providing Education

This section of the film focuses in the ways the providers listened to patient’s concerns about COVID-19 vaccination and provided education. Providers relied on the relationships that they had with their patients in order to understand the roots of their concerns. They tried to address these concerns by setting aside their own agenda and avoiding power struggles. They focused on education over persuasion.

Part 4: Learning From The Past & Looking Towards The Future

In this section, healthcare workers reflect on ways in which the healthcare field, leadership and society could’ve been better prepared for the pandemic and how we can use these lessons when looking towards the future.